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Weather in United Kingdom

Weather in London

  • Thursday

    3 Oct
    Geregeld zon, ook wolken

    10° / 16°

    NO 3
  • Friday

    4 Oct
    Veel zon, enkele wolken

    / 16°

    ZO 2
  • Saturday

    5 Oct
    Sluierwolken, ook nog zon

    / 17°

    Z 3
  • Sunday

    6 Oct
    Bewolkt met wat motregen

    13° / 17°

    Z 4
  • Monday

    7 Oct
    Zon en kans op een buitje

    14° / 19°

    ZZW 4

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About Meteox.com

At Meteox.com, you can find the most current and reliable weather forecast for any location worldwide. Whether you're curious about the forecast for the upcoming hours or looking ahead 14 days, Meteox.com has you covered. For each location, we provide an hourly weather forecast for the next 48 hours, taking into account precipitation on the radar for the initial hours. For longer-term forecasts, we rely on our own weather model, which combines various weather models with statistical post-processing.

Our location forecasts display the maximum temperature, minimum temperature, weather conditions, wind direction and speed, precipitation amount, and sunshine duration. Additionally, we provide the UV index for each location, and you can find weather alerts, rain notifications, and lightning notifications on the location page. Moreover, our homepage features national weather maps with symbols, temperature trends for 3 or 10 days ahead, and the wind forecast.

Part of Infoplaza

Meteox.com is a weather website operated by Infoplaza. It is affiliated with the radar product Meteoradar and the satellite product Sat24.com. Infoplaza is one of the largest all-round meteorological service providers for media, consumers, governments, and businesses. Additionally, Infoplaza has a mobility division that offers public transport and traffic information.